PENNSYLVANIA Pennsylvania Statutes, P.L. 208, Act 72, 8/67 amended 6/72, Sections 1 through 11; Penalty - Title 18, Section 1, 1980 Pennsylvania anti-discrimination statutes guarantee a blind person the legal right to be accompanied by a dog guide in all accommodations which are made available for public use. The statutes further guarantee equal housing accommodation to dog guide users in both the rental and purchase of housing. Public accommodations under Pennsylvania law and regulations include restaurants, hotels, places of resort and amusement, and public transportation. (*3) Housing includes rental and leased property, as well as negotiations covering the purchase of property. (*5) Violation: Enforcement of the above enumerated rights is available through the state's commission on human rights, and a person who practices unlawful discrimination is guilty of a misdemeanor and punishable by a fine, imprisonment, or both. (*11; Title 18, *1)